Home Loan Info
Enhance your energy efficiency with various home loans for retrofit double glazing. Enjoy competitive rates and flexible repayment terms. Discover more about the available home loan options below

ANZ Good Energy Home Loan
​You can enhance the energy efficiency and eco-friendliness of your home by topping up your ANZ Home Loan with a fixed rate of 1% for a duration of 3 years, up to a maximum amount of $80,000*.
For more information and T’s and C’s, please click here.

Greater Choices Home Loan
Create a warmer, drier, healthier, and energy effecient home by having an interest free loan by up to $40,000 for up to five years*.
For more information, and additional T’s and C’s, please click here.

You could borrow up to $80,000 at a 1% p.a. 3 year fixed rate to pay for eligible upgrades to your home or for electric transport options.
For more information and T's & C's please click here.

ASB Better Homes Top Up
ASB Better Homes Top Up allows for home owners to top up their home loan 1% for a duration of 3 years, up to a maximum amount of $80,000, that will enable home owners to have a far more energy effecient home using Retrofit Double Glazing.
For more information, and additional T’s and C’s, please click here.